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/原文ベース400字英文リーガルチェック 下記をご参照ください。 契約書ドラフティング 12,000円~
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種類 価格/単位(税別) 英日翻訳 3,500円~/仕上がり400字 日英翻訳 6,000円~/仕上がり200ワード 英日翻訳チェック 1,800円~3,000円/
原文ベース400字日英翻訳チェック 下記をご参照をください 他言語翻訳 別途お見積りします -
種類 価格/単位(税別) ネイティブチェックなし 3,500円~6,000円/200ワード ネイティブチェックあり 4,500円~6,500円/200ワード -
種類 価格/単位(税別) ネイティブチェックなし 2,000円~5,400円/200ワード ネイティブチェックあり 3,500円~6,000円/200ワード
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代表電話番号 03-5259-8613(営業時間: 平日11:00-17:00)
- 1.裁判所は、証拠に基づいて裁判をします。あなたの主張を裏付けるような証拠書類がある場合には、その写しを裁判所及び原告に送るか、期日に原本と共に持参してください。証拠の申出が遅れたときには、その申し出を取り上げないことがあります。
- 2.弁護士に訴訟を委任しようとする場合には、一日も早く弁護士に相談し依頼されるようお勧めします。なお、地方裁判所では、弁護士でなければ、訴訟の代理はできません。
- 3.病気その他やむを得ない事情で、期日に出頭できないときは、期日前に期日変更申請書にその理由を詳しく書き、医師の診断書その他の証明書を添えて裁判所に提出したときは、期日を変更することがあります。しかし、単に商用、社用というようなことでは、期日変更の理由とはなりません。
- 1.A court will judge the trial on evidence. If you have any documents as evidence to support your claim, please submit the copy of the documents to the court or serve them to the Plaintiff, or bring them along with the original on the hearing date to the court. If submission of the evidence is delayed, it can not be admitted.
- 2.If you would like to retain an attorney to represent your case, it is suggested that you consult with him/her to retain him/her as soon as possible. Only lawyers can not represent in a court action.
- 3.If you can not come to the court on the hearing date due to any unavoidable reasons such as sickness and file an application to change the hearing date before the fixed hearing date stating why you can not come to the court together with a doctor’s medical certificate, etc., the court date can be changed. However, reasons such as going to your place of work or needing to attend to business can not be regarded as good enough reasons.
- 1.
- The trial shall be proceeded based on evidences. If you have any document to support and prove your claims, please submit each copy of the documents to the court and send it to the Plaintiff, or bring it along with the original to the court on the date of oral argument. If an offer of your evidence is delayed, it may not be admitted.
- 2.
- If you wish to appoint an attorney-at-law on behalf of you, please be advised that you consult with him/her as soon as possible. In a district court, no person other than an attorney-at-law may act as an advocate.
- 3.
- Because you are unable to appear in court at the date of oral argument due to any reason beyond your control such as sickness, and if you submit to the court an application for request to change the date of oral argument stating the detailed reasons thereof together with a medical or other certificates prior to the date thereof, such date may be changed. However, no reason on commercial or company business may be accepted as reasonable.